Sunday, November 26, 2006

The concept

The concept of this blog is to explore seeing: how we see, what we see, and to learn how to see again. I find that I am so busy that I forget to look around me. I forget to notice the little things that truly make up my everyday world.

I am going to explore this as a photographer (my BFA degree is in photo), as a graphic designer (my MFA is in G.D.) and as an art professor (my current profession).

Some images may be serious and some may be tongue in cheek. Some may challenge our notion of what is beautiful. My goal is to explore seeing and seeing anew.

I saw this leaf as I was walking through the back yard. This leaf's beauty stood out. First I noticed the color. A bright red leaf on a bed of brown leaves. The leaf is ragged and torn, yet it is beautiful in its imperfections.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

About seeing

I have decided to start a separate blog about learning to see.